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Turjánvidék | Projects in Hungary


-          “Establishing the background of saving the Hungarian meadow viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis) from extinction” (LIFE 04/NAT/HU/0116)

The Hungarian meadow viper is a small poisonous snake which used to occur over a relatively broad area in southeastern Europe, but its population range has been reduced to Hanság, the Bócsa-Bugac hills, and the Dabasi-Turjános area. The largest part of the latter belongs to the military shooting range of Táborfalva, which is very rich in natural values, and the surviving viper population present in the area provides a good opportunity to save the species from extinction.

The project included monitoring, habitat management, awareness-raising, and also the establishment of a captive-breeding centre. After the project closure another fund by the LIFE+ programme supports the activities for the protection of the vipers.

-          LIFE “Conservation of Otis tarda in Hungary” (LIFE04NAT/H/0109)

The Great bustard population has also benefited from the shooting range of Táborfalva, and with the help of the LIFE-Nature fund Kiskunság National Park Directorate and its partners carried out monitoring, habitat management, and communication activities, as well as guarding nests and protecting eggs, and winter feeding to save the birds.

-          Conservation of Aquila heliaca in the Carpathian basin (LIFE02/NAT/H/8627)

The imperial eagle has lost much of its original range and inside the EU is now effectively reduced to Hungary (50-60 pairs) and Slovakia.; scattered across the area. Three populations can be found in military or abandoned military areas, and research focuses on how to restore the favourable conditions of military presence.

-   Restoration and conservation of priority habitats and species in the Eastern Bakony area

The general objectives of the project are the implementation of Community Environmental policy through its integration to military practice and supporting the further development and implementation of the Natura 2000 network (in accordance with Annex 2 of Regulation (EC) No 614/2007 concerning the Financial Instrument for the Environment). The specific objectives of the project are managing future Natura 2000 sites in the Eastern Bakony (Hungary) area and rehabilitate natural habitats which have been damaged by past military actions and neglect. Attention will be paid to sustainable long-term maintenance of the sites and informing stakeholders and the general public about the natural values and conservation efforts of the area.

-     Restoration and conservation of priority-listed Pannonic sand land habitats in military owned area of the Hungarian Little Plain (LIFE08 NAT/H/000289)

The specific objectives of the project are managing future Natura 2000 sites in the Hungarian Little Plain (West Hungary) and rehabilitate natural habitats that have been degraded by neglect and past military actions.